Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Issues and Challenges for Technopreneurship and Technopreneur

Technopreneurship: Meaning, Issues and Challenges
Digitalization presents great and strange chances. Still, substantial misdoubt remains on the amplification of comparable transformative technologies. Governments should proactively seek a deeper settlement of the possible arraignments for society as well as of the serious complaints these rising technologies pose to their rulemaking action.
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10 Types of Innovations with Examples

10 Types of innovation with examples
Innovation is a creative process which introduces a new solution to the world by enhancing entrepreneurship. Innovation is per term or a combined term of entrepreneurship or an entrepreneur. Because it is the spark process of entrepreneurship or an entrepreneur, it is a changing process that ends with some world-changing creation. It makes solutions to problems.
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Businessman vs Entrepreneur: Similarities and Differences Comparison with Examples

Businessman vs Entrepreneur | Businessman vs Entrepreneur Similarities | Businessman vs Entrepreneur Differences | Businessman and Entrepreneur Comparison with Examples
Generally, we think businessmen and entrepreneurs are the same, but both words refer to a different individual approaches to business. We can simply describe that businessman following the steps that some other person put before with an imitative idea. Entrepreneurs are the persons who create their path that other people didn’t put steps before with new ideas.
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Entrepreneurial Process: Meaning, Overview & Stages

Entrepreneurial Process: Meaning, Overview & Stages
Entrepreneurial process call as a venture creation process. The characteristics of the venture creation process belong to the maximum relevant topics of contemporary nascent entrepreneurship (entrepreneurs who are underway to start a company). There are two predominant reasons why it is critical to analyze the entrepreneurial process.
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